5 Facts about Friday the Legend - Day 2


In courtesy of SaytueSayeWhat.com for the next 5 days , I will be giving you 5 facts about the legend at 6 pm Est .

Today is day 2 and the fact about Friday D'Legend is that he loves to cook.
There are people that love to cook, but can’t and there are those that can’t cook , but love it. However, Friday D'Legend loves to cook and can put his foot in any Liberian food and most African food from different countries. If he doesn’t know how to cook it, he will find out and do it, especially American food. The legend loves it when he’s able to feed his friends and family because he knows the struggle . The legend will tell anyone that he did not grow up with a silver spoon.
According to Sciencedirect.com, women spend more time cooking than men, but men are cooking more than ever before.
We all can agree that there are a few men that can really cook more than women. Friday is one of them .
